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Foam storage solution for firefighting systems (kazakhstan)

Foam storage solution for firefighting systems (kazakhstan)

The North Caspian Operating Company (NCOC) is an international joint venture operator based in Kazakhstan. Having worked closely with us before, they sought our help on bespoke foam storage solution for their firefighting systems.


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The challenge

Storing thousands of litres of foam

At one of NCOC’s sites, they required several large tanks that were capable of storing thousands of litres of foam for use in their firefighting systems.

The tanks needed a range of capacities and also had to be capable of withstanding the extreme conditions of the Kazakh desert, with temperatures reaching as high as 40C and as low as -40C!

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Our approach

What did we do?

Using strong stainless steel, we constructed several different tanks to store the foam, ranging from 1,500 to 11,000 litres.

We also fitted heat tracing to the materials, enabling key pipework to remain at a stable temperature and maintain a steady flow when required.

The results

Despite this not being one of our core products, we were able to supply NCOC with an essential piece of their firefighting system by designing and manufacturing a bespoke solution.

We ensured their system was safe and effective for their environment, and demonstrated our expertise, flexibility and determination as one of the best, premium suppliers of fire protection in the world.

Do you want to know more about fire protection for storages?

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